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Business Development

Does Your Sales Team Need Help?
Saint Business Development

Does Your Sales Team Need Help?

If your sales or BDM teams are struggling to keep up or if you're looking for ways to enhance their performance without the burden of extensive recruitment, we have the perfect solutions for you. Working with Saint, you can relieve up to 78% of your duties.

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Market Collateral vs Market Placement, What's the difference?
Saint Global

Market Collateral vs Market Placement, What's the difference?

Dive deep into marketing placement & marketing collateral, exploring how they work together to elevate your brand, engage your audience, and drive results. Learn how to leverage these key elements for strategic marketing success

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A Contractors Guide To: Understanding the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Saint Global

A Contractors Guide To: Understanding the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Unlock construction's potential with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Foster social responsibility, environmental sustainability, innovation, equality, partnerships, and seize market opportunities.

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The Benefits of ISO with the Construction Industry
Foy Certification

The Benefits of ISO with the Construction Industry

Unlock the benefits of ISO Certification for your UK construction business. Learn to access new markets, assure customers, and build a foundation for growth. Elevate efficiency, reduce costs, and stand out

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The 7 Myths Of ISO
Foy Certification

The 7 Myths Of ISO

Discover the truth behind ISO Certification myths for UK contractors. Debunking cost fears, bureaucracy, and more. Unlock business excellence with Foy Certification's specialised construction services. Act now for transformation!

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Why are Social Values Important to Construction Businesses?
Saint Global

Why are Social Values Important to Construction Businesses?

Explore the transformative impact of social values in the construction industry. Saint Global guides firms towards sustainability, ethics, and community enrichment.

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The Significance of a Social Values Strategy
Saint Global

The Significance of a Social Values Strategy

Unlock success in construction with a robust Social Values Strategy. From trust-building to winning tenders, partner with Saint Global Marketing for impact.

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How to Measure Social Values | An Introduction to the TOM System
Saint Global

How to Measure Social Values | An Introduction to the TOM System

Unlock the power of Social Value with the TOM System – a leading framework aligned with UN SDGs. Measure impact, foster inclusivity, and collaborate with Saint Global for a sustainable future

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Why Do I Never Have Enough Time?
Saint Trade Coaches

Why Do I Never Have Enough Time?

Unlock the secrets of time management with Saint Trade Coaches! Learn practical tips from time audits to prioritizing tasks. Transform your routine, delegate effectively, and regain control of your business. Time is precious – use it wisely.

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A Contractor's Guide: to ISO Certification
Foy Certification

A Contractor's Guide: to ISO Certification

Learn how to obtain ISO Certification for your construction business. Elevate standards, gain recognition, and enhance our business reputation today.

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Who is Saint Construction Support?
Saint Construction Support

Who is Saint Construction Support?

We work with businesses bringing them from one-man bands into million-pound firms with stable systems and consistent growth. We understand that every business is different so we match the perfect advice to your goals.

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Struggling to switch off for Christmas?
Saint Trade Coaches

Struggling to switch off for Christmas?

The Christmas period is approaching and everyone is getting ready to put the breaks on and get into the Christmas spirit. Well, this article is for those who struggle to make the switch from work to have a break.

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Aligning Your Marketing To Your Work Capacity
Saint Global

Aligning Your Marketing To Your Work Capacity

Build Sustainable Growth | Balance Marketing with Work Capacity | Saint Global's Expert Solutions | Get Started Today!

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Guide to Automating Your Construction Business
Saint Business Development

Guide to Automating Your Construction Business

Learn the power of automation has it unlocks the key to efficiency and growth! Streamline, Save & Succeed 🚀

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Should I outsource parts of my construction business?
Saint Construction Support

Should I outsource parts of my construction business?

Simplify Your Construction Business | Choose Saint Construction Support | Unlock Efficiency, Quality, and Growth Today!

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What is a Marketing Strategy? Construction Focused
Saint Global

What is a Marketing Strategy? Construction Focused

Transform Your Construction Business with a Tailored Saint Marketing Strategy. Achieve Greater Results, Stronger Relationships & Business Growth. Reach Out Today!

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How to use Client Loyalty to Drive Success
Saint Global

How to use Client Loyalty to Drive Success

Acquiring a new client costs five times as much compared to simply retaining an existing customer. Customer loyalty should be looked upon as if it's an individual marketing channel, something that by that working with Saint we can use to win recurring work time and time again.

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Gross Profit vs Net Profit - Construction Focused
Construction Insider

Gross Profit vs Net Profit - Construction Focused

Gross Profit and net profit might sound like accounting jargon or accountenese! But these are two crucial key indicators to see how your business is performing. It’s the start of performing a business health check and you need understand what they mean.

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What Does Business Development mean to a Construction Business?
Saint Business Development

What Does Business Development mean to a Construction Business?

Developing a business is no simple task and where most go wrong is normally on the simple stuff. Company Directors will hire a business development team and think they will be sent in the right direction, but they end up spending large in areas they don't need. Read More...

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Budgeting For Your Construction Business
Saint Business Development

Budgeting For Your Construction Business

If you are working in your construction business now and you are not sure where the business should be or you don't know what you have going out or coming in, you need to start budgeting for your business. Imagine having what is going happen for the year already planned out?

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It’s Not You, It’s Me: Breaking Up With Your Accountant
Saint Accountants

It’s Not You, It’s Me: Breaking Up With Your Accountant

Every small business goes to an accountant to get help with their compliance but are you with the right people to grow your construction business? Have you realised a change is overdue? Take a read of our latest blog on how to break up with your accountant.

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How does marketing affect the financials of a Construction Company?
Saint Global

How does marketing affect the financials of a Construction Company?

Marketing is often overlooked when it comes to a business, there are many important things, right? The finances? Marketing is able to unravel the best-laid business plan and within this article, we discuss exactly the relationship your marketing should have with your business.

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Is your management set up working for your construction business?
Saint Trade Coaches

Is your management set up working for your construction business?

Is your management setup actually working for your company or is it causing more problems than solutions? Within this article, we discuss the fundamentals that make for a successful team, and therefore a successful company.

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Are You Getting The Right Tax Advice For Your Construction Business?
Saint Taxation

Are You Getting The Right Tax Advice For Your Construction Business?

Tax Advice is an area of uncertainty with construction businesses and probably your accountants too... Do you know what you should be receiving? Is your construction businesses as tax efficient as it should be?

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Making the switch to Saint 🕊 Construction Business Support
Saint Construction Support

Making the switch to Saint 🕊 Construction Business Support

When you start your business it's pretty much let’s take the leap, stop working for someone and go in alone. It's a difficult situation to adapt to! All of a sudden you need to do the paperwork side, the calls, the management, the men and the bills. SaintFG is here to help.

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Saint Accountancy
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