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Lifetime Value (LTV) Calculator

How much are your client's worth?

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🚧 What is included within this Free Resource?

  • Average Purchase Value: The average amount of money a customer spends per purchase.
  • Cost of Goods/Services Sold (as a percentage): The percentage of the average purchase value that goes towards the cost of producing the goods or services sold.
  • Disputes/Returns per Year: The average number of times a customer makes a dispute in a year.
  • Customer Term (in years): The average number of years a customer continues to purchase from the company.
  • Number of Referrals: The average number of new customers referred by an existing customer.
  • Lifetime Value (LTV) Calculator

    A Lifetime Value (LTV) calculator is a tool used to estimate the total revenue a business can expect to generate from a single customer over the course of their relationship with the business. This estimate helps businesses understand the long-term value of their customers and can inform strategies for customer benefits and retention.

    By calculating the LTV, businesses can make more informed decisions regarding marketing budgets, customer service investments, and overall growth strategies, ensuring they maximise the profitability and value derived from each customer relationship

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