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12 Stages of Burnout
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12 Stages of Burnout

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We all have to be careful to make sure we look after ourselves and also be able to see how others around us are doing so we can help them. This is a handy chart that the Trade Coaches use to send out to clients for a scorecard. Can you see where you are on the chart?

🤔 Why does it matter?

Burnout is a critical issue in the construction industry, where the demanding nature of the work and long hours can lead to significant mental and physical strain. The 12-Stage Burnout Model provides a comprehensive framework to understand how burnout develops and offers valuable insights into prevention and management.

🔥 Why Understanding the 12-Stage Model is Beneficial

  • Early Detection: Recognizing the stages of burnout helps in identifying issues before they become severe, allowing for timely intervention.
  • Proactive Management: Understanding the stages promotes proactive measures to manage stress and prevent burnout.
  • Support Systems: It underscores the importance of creating supportive work environments where individuals can seek help and support.
  • Long-Term Well-Being: By addressing each stage, individuals can foster long-term resilience and maintain a healthier work-life balance.
  • Improved Productivity: A focus on managing burnout leads to better overall productivity and job satisfaction, benefiting both individuals and Businesses
  • ❤️🩹 How to recover from burnout?

    Although, at times, it can feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, you can recover from burnout. However, it is going to take more than a spa day or a week off. Just as burnout slowly builds up over time, so too does its recovery demands time and effort.

    Acknowledge the problem

    Acknowledging is the first step towards seeking balance and recovery. While this might sound like a no-brainer, it can be extremely difficult for some people, such as perfectionists and high-functioning individuals, as accepting it may feel like admitting defeat. It is easy to fall into the trap of perceiving burnout as a reflection of yourself – your own incompetence or weakness. When, in fact, it is NOT.

    When you acknowledge and accept that what you are experiencing is burnout, you give yourself permission to prioritise self-care and seek support, despite a facade of competence and success.

    Seek professional help

    In more severe cases of burnout, seeking professional support is often the best course of action. Mental health professionals, such as therapists or counsellors, can provide tailored strategies to manage the symptoms of burnout. They can offer coping mechanisms, therapeutic interventions, and sometimes medication, if necessary, to address underlying issues such as anxiety or depression.

    Professional support can facilitate a more structured recovery process, helping individuals understand their burnout triggers and develop healthier work-life boundaries and stress management techniques.

    Identify your stage on our burnout poster and reach out to us if you need support. Remember, looking after yourself is crucial for your well-being and success. Get in touch today!

    The 12 Stages of Burnout (Poster Download)

    Burnout awareness starts here. Our visually striking poster breaks down the 12 stages of burnout, making it easy to understand and prevent.

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    12 Stages of Burnout

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    Saint Business Consultancy

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