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Business Development Machine
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Business Development Machine

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Do you have a Business Development Machine?  

A Business Development Machine is a carefully thought out system that drives towards your Business Development Goals with identification of strengths, challenges while identifying "leaks".  #

Every business needs a Business Development Machine. Without it, you risk becoming misguided, using a scattershot approach and deploying various ideas and tactics without any real direction or measurement. Operating day to day, working hard, but achieving the same results... Stuck.

We call our Business Development Machine the Saint Sealed System. We are deploying this tried and tested method into construction businesses across the UK and it is working!

We explained the Saint Sealed System in detail in the latest Saint Sunday release, but in short, it's about focus.

Having the right systems in place, attracting the right clients that are suitable to your business model, having a process that effectively brings someone from a lead to a client, and the identification of how to extract the most value along the way.

What do we consider when building your Sealed System?

  • Are the leads that are coming into the business the right leads for the business model?
  • Where are leads falling out of the system? How can we stop this?
  • Are there bottlenecks present?
  • Can we work under less demand and receive higher results?
  • How can we measure this the success of our Business Development?

🔨 Ready to Build your Sealed System?

When you work with Saint Global, you have the leading UK based Business Development Agency for construction businesses by your side, a partner that where you are and where you want to be.

  • You're the asset (You know more than you think).
  • We're in it together! We want to hear your ideas and work alongside you.
  • Win the right work for your business.
  • Develop a result-driven Business Development Strategy.
  • It is simple so let's keep it simple.

Get started today with a free zero-obligation chat with a Business Development Advisor today.

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PS. Whenever you are ready, here's how to grow your construction business...

1. Join our Facebook Group which built completely for businesses within the construction industry. Real people, real support. - Now also available on LinkedIn.

2. Keep up to date with Construction Insider Providing you with industry insight, tips & tricks and much more to make sure you are ahead of your competitors!

3. When you are ready, Become a Saint Financial Group client, and we will provide you with the highest quality solutions to effectively scale your construction business. Book your meeting here!

Business Development Machine

Written by the team at:

Saint Global

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