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CHAS Launches a Free to Access Legal Advice Helpline
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CHAS Launches a Free to Access Legal Advice Helpline

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CHAS, the UK'S leading accreditation scheme for contractors and supply chain manufacturing has joined with Irwin Mitched, one of the UK'S largest law firms in order to provide members with free to access legal advice around the clock,

The service is available to CHAS members who have complete access to advice on all areas of business law, including property law, breach of contract, employment law and intellectual property, this is in addition to other legal issues. The services is operated by a team of UK-based professional who offer straight-forward, jargon free advice, completely free of charge.

This is another benefit included in the CHAS membership benefit scheme designed to help businesses thrive and save thousands of pounds year on end.

“We’re really excited to launch the legal helpline and add access to free reputable, reliable legal advice to our growing range of member benefits. "The launch of this service reflects CHAS’s ongoing commitment to providing members with excellent value-for-money and relieving some of the pressures of running a business so they can focus on their core work.” - CHAS Managing Director Ian McKinnon

Alex Lloyd, Head of Contact at Irwin Mitchell, adds: “We’re delighted to be in a position to launch this legal helpline for CHAS to make life easier for their members. Our helplines have proved a big success in supporting people with their legal questions and we’re proud to be initiating the same service for CHAS”.

To find out more about how CHAS can help your business, call CHAS today on 0345 521 9111 or click here

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CHAS Launches a Free to Access Legal Advice Helpline

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