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🚧 Where could you be in as little as 16 weeks?

In the Construction Industry we have noticed that many Directors are left to pick up all the pieces of the business from admin, invoicing, keeping track of jobs, subcontractors and then chasing the next bit of work to keep your team busy. We understand the frustration and have worked with many construction directors in this position.

Here’s just an idea of exactly what your business could have in just 16 weeks of working with us…

  • Industry Leading Strategy - Stand in confidence knowing exactly how your Marketing Function is performing, driving consistent results in line with a carefully executed Marketing Strategy.
  • Instant Structure for Growth - Perfect for businesses of any size, our solutions offer immediate structure. Save years of development with our simple, bolt-on system that increases visibility and takes your company out of the dark ages.
  • Industry Leading Design - Development of Marketing Collateral that not only looks great but actually CONVERTS potential customers into paying clients and then paying clients into returning clients.
  • Industry Lead Generation - Delivery of high-quality leads consistently and removes that fighting fluctuation and empty calendar space.
  • Industry Leading BDM - Dedicated Business Development Manager (BDM) provided on hand to identify opportunities and support the long-term growth of the business.
  • Increase Market Awareness - Development of strong Market Awareness and heightened reputation so people start coming into the business without the need for us to even reach out.
  • Industry Leading Support - Gain access to a dedicated team of industry leading experts who are available to support you every step of the way.
  • Support for Your Existing Sales or BDM Teams - Avoid the costs and hassle of additional recruitment. Empower your existing teams with our expert support, enhancing their efficiency and effectiveness.

Like the sound of this? Book a Discovery Call with one of our Business Advisors today!

🎉 Ready to take action?

Replace the doubt of managing your marketing with newfound confidence. Our support allows you to re-energise and focus on the parts of your business where you excel.

Learn from the past, Perform in the present, Prepare for the future.

Saint have built a proven solution that may be of use to your organisation, click here to book an appointment for a no-obligation 15 min discovery call with an advisor. If you are not sure where to start, that’s fine, we listen and just go from there to see if we can help.

Frequently asked questions

Q: What can my business achieve in 16 weeks with your help?

A: In just 16 weeks, your business can implement an industry-leading strategy, gain immediate structure for growth, develop high-converting marketing collateral, receive consistent high-quality leads, and more.

Q: What is an Industry Leading Strategy?

A: An Industry Leading Strategy ensures that your marketing function performs consistently and effectively, driving results in line with a carefully executed marketing blueprint.

Q: What is the role of an Industry Leading BDM?

A: A dedicated Business Development Manager (BDM) identifies opportunities and supports the long-term growth of your business, ensuring sustained success.

Q: What kind of support will my business receive?

A: You will have access to a dedicated team of industry-leading experts who support you at every step, ensuring your business achieves its goals.

Q: How can I book a discovery call?

A: Click here to book an appointment for a no-obligation 15-minute discovery call with one of our advisors. If you're unsure where to start, we'll listen and help determine how we can best assist you.

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This article has been provided for information purposes only. You should consult your own professional advisors for advice directly relating to your business or before taking action in relation to any of the provided content.

PS. Whenever you are ready, here's how to grow your construction business...

1. Join our Facebook Group which built completely for businesses within the construction industry. Real people, real support. - Now also available on LinkedIn.

2. Keep up to date with Construction Insider Providing you with industry insight, tips & tricks and much more to make sure you are ahead of your competitors!

3. When you are ready, Become a Saint Financial Group client, and we will provide you with the highest quality solutions to effectively scale your construction business. Book your meeting here!

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Saint Business Development

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