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EcoConstruct - Our Pledge

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The Purpose of Eco Construct

EcoConstruct is encouraging, promoting and supporting the movement of small, medium and large construction related firms to commit to using sustainable measures to halve greenhouse gas emissions before 2030 and reach net-zero emissions before 2050. In doing so, we strive to create climate action across businesses worldwide. EcoConstruct are doing this by establishing a firm place within the construction industry and creating meaningful connections with businesses both small and large.

How will EcoConstruct Support SMEs

EcoConstruct provides a simple and complete solution to understanding how any businesses within the construction industry can become sustainable and meet their goals of both corporate social responsibility and making impactful actions towards sustainability and tackling climate control. We are a complete non-profit foundation providing free access to education material, tools and resources to explain the importance of sustainability, the results of it and the actions needed to make a difference. We are looking for the support of SMEs to help us and bring innovative green solutions to the market, cut carbon emissions, build business resilience while unlocking direct commercial advantages.

Who founded EcoConstruct

EcoConstruct is a complete non-profit foundation founded by Saint Financial Group, a construction focused enterprise that provides construction focused business solutions. EcoConstruct is a focus of SaintFG and is always looking for innovative solutions to build a brighter future for the construction industry. SaintFG have multiple foundations in place, all focused towards the construction industry. Saint Ambassador is another example of a strong step SaintFG has made for the construction world. Saint Ambassador holds the focus of supporting individuals and organisations within the construction industry free of charge through the support of caring Ambassadors.

You can find more about Saint Ambassador here.

Who can become a patron of EcoConstruct?

No matter how small your business your construction firm is, your commitment could make a real difference - to the planet, to your customers and to your running costs! Even the smallest businesses produce carbon emissions – it could be through your building, your vehicles or your supply chain.

We’re asking you to take the first step on your journey, by committing to cutting those carbon emissions in half by 2030 and to reach ‘net zero’ by 2050. Net zero means that you are putting no more carbon into the atmosphere than you are taking out of it. We take pride in anyone who is looking to do their part or even raise further awareness. Start Your Journey Today!

Why Should I Join EcoConstruct?

Every business that joins EcoConstruct will be recognised as a leading member within the construction industry. They will also be sent an EcoConstruct Pack which will include your EcoConstruct badge to include on their web, your certificate in which you can frame and hand proudly and other useful resources.

We are also collaborating and promoting SME Climate Hub who are taking action to encourage businesses to reduce their carbon emissions. Those who sign up with SME Climate Hub is featured and makes the appearance of their name/logo featured on the SME Climate Hub and will be recognised by the United Nations Race to Zero campaign on the dedicated website and again be rewarded with the ability to download an SME Climate Hub Pack.

This is just one business advantage but there is so much more! Some additional reasons:

  • Gain a competitive advantage: Supply chain leaders, investors, shareholders, consumers and employees are increasingly looking for businesses to adopt ambitious climate-related targets, with some supply chain leaders now formalising climate action in their procurement policies.
  • Improve efficiency and reduce costs: Businesses that look to use and manage resources more efficiently can tangibly reduce their operating costs and increase profitability while improving business preparedness.
  • Manage business risk: Left unchecked, climate change can cause damage to business infrastructure, cashflow, and supply chains, lead to business interruptions, force business closures and stunt economic growth.
  • Enhance access to capital and affordable insurance: Investors and insurers are increasingly linking business exposure from natural disasters with climate change. Take steps to keep your insurance fees affordable and secure your loan, grant and investment worthiness.
  • Grow business and brand: Connect with a global network of like-minded businesses seeking to improve themselves, their community and the planet. Being part of this network offers far reaching collaborative and commercial opportunities to grow your business and be a leading brand, as market trends shift to a low-carbon economy.

What Resources are available?

We have a wide range of extensive resources that we are passionately and continuously working on in order to provide you with meaningful and up to date information on sustainability within the construction industry. We are able to source this information through the use of our strategic knowledge parts:

You can find your resources here.

What does net zero emissions mean and why do we have to reach this state by 2050?

In 2015, the landmark Paris Agreement was signed by 196 countries with the overarching objective of “holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, recognising that this would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change.”

In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - the leading scientific body for climate change -issued a major report called the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C, in which over 6000 climate scientists stated that to avoid the worst effects of climate change, we must limit global warming to 1.5°C. Current estimates suggest that we have already reached global warming of approximately 1°C and if we continue on the current trajectory, we will reach global warming of 1.5°C between 2030 and 2052.

As long as we keep emissions above zero, the planet will continue to heat and that is why it is also important to reach a state where the greenhouse gases going into the atmosphere are balanced by permanent removal out of the atmosphere (net zero) as quickly as possible and by no later than 2050.

This objective can only be met if everyone contributes to a global collaborative effort - and that means every business of every size, sector and geography, including construction businesses, must do its part.

What does it mean to halve our greenhouse gas emissions before 2030?

To align with the SME Climate Commitment, a business will need to cut its absolute greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% before 2030, from a base year not more than two years back in time.

This means that a business’ own emissions (both scope 1 and scope 2 emissions), as well as those emissions related to business travel must be cut in half this decade.

Where value chain emissions (scope 3) are material to the total emissions of a business and where data allows for these to be measured, the business should also aim to cut scope 3 emissions in half this decade.

About the United Nations Race to Zero Campaign

The United Nations Race to Zero campaign is an international campaign that brings together an unprecedented coalition of real economy actors and 120 governments committed to achieving net zero carbon emission by no later than 2050. These real economy actors include 1,128 companies, 452 cities, 22regions, 549 universities, 45 of the biggest investors and 2,100 chambers of commerce – creating the largest ever alliance committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by no later than 2050: the “Climate Ambition Alliance.”

What are my next step to joining EcoConstruct

Your next steps are simple! Just send a quick email about who you are, what you do and your actions, or soon to be actions on becoming a sustainable construction business.

Send us an email here. 

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EcoConstruct - Our Pledge

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