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How To Get A Personal UTR Number
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How To Get A Personal UTR Number

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How To Get A Personal UTR Number

If you are running a Limited Company then you need to consider your personal taxation as well! Your Unique Tax Reference (UTR) Number is very important when it comes to filing your personal tax return for the year.

What Is a UTR Number?

A Unique Tax Reference (UTR) Number is how HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) identify you as a taxpayer on their system. When you register for self-assessment you will be sent a UTR number by HMRC via a letter. You will need to use this UTR number on all your self-assessments you file with HMRC.

If you have a limited company, you will also receive a Company UTR when you register your company. These two UTR numbers are separate from each other.

What Does A UTR Number Look Like?

A UTR number is 10 digits long and is completely unique to you. Once HMRC has given you your UTR number, it will never change.

Who Needs a UTR Number?

A UTR is required when:

  • HMRC have requested a self-assessment to be submitted
  • If you have any other income such as dividends issued during the year
  • You earned over £100,000 (Including your PAYE)
  • You or your partners annual income was more than £50,000 and you receive child benefit
  • You’re a landlord and your income from renting is more than £2,500
  • You need to pay capital gains tax from selling a second home or shares

How Do I Use My UTR Number For A Self-Assessment?

HMRC allows you to use their system to file a self-assessment, once you have started this process you will be required to enter your UTR number. You will not be able to submit your self-assessment without your UTR number.

You will need to ensure your UTR number is correct as this is how HMRC tracks your self-assessment return, if there is any tax payable and to match your payments against your record.

How Do I Get My Personal UTR Number?

The only way to receive a personal UTR number from HMRC is to register for self-assessment. This can be done on the HMRC website or by searching “register for self-assessment”.

You will need to register for self-assessment by 5th October in your business’s second year.

When you go to register for self-assessment, you will need the following information:

  • Full name
  • National Insurance Number
  • Home address and phone number
  • Email address
  • Date of birth
  • Date you started your business
  • Type of business you run
  • Business Address and Business phone number

Once you have registered for self-assessment, you will receive a letter from HMRC within 10 days with your UTR number. You will also receive a UTR activation code in a separate letter which you will need to activate within 28 days.

What Happens If I Lose My UTR Number?

If you do happen to lose your UTR number, do not worry! Here are some documents to check for your UTR number:

  • Self-assessment welcome letter
  • Previous self-assessment documents
  • Any HMRC letters in regards to your self-assessments (including notice to file)
  • Statement of Account letters

If you have set up your personal gateway account, you can log on here and access your UTR number. If all of the above options do not work, you can HMRC self-assessment line on 0300 200 3310 and ask for your UTR to be sent by post. You will need your national insurance number to do this (plus your security questions such as your address etc)

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How To Get A Personal UTR Number

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