As you build your construction company into the dream that you believe in, you may find yourself hitting some rough patches! Which is normal, do not worry! We have put together this list of motivational tools to help you get pick yourself back up and get on track!
1. Review all of the work that you have done!
The next time you are struggling or overwhelmed with your business, take a moment and reflect on all the work that you have done yourself and as a business. Think across everything between the internal development of your business to every client that you have helped, how many lives have you impacted through the use of your work!
Thinking about your past work can prove to yourself how far you have come and can even remind you of similar feelings you may have felt back then, therefore reminding you, no matter the size of the situation, you always power through it!
2. Reflect on why you started your business
Let's take a step back and look at the bigger picture at hand. Looking at where you started from is a good way of identifying your original purpose for your business.
This will clear any mind fog and realign the purpose of your everyday actions to the exact reason you started your business. I know a lot of people may say that they started their business for financial reasons, but if you have really put in the hours and are still here after all the hard work, you have an underlying purpose for starting.
3. Use tools provided by SaintFG
SaintFG provide complete back-office support to keep your business running, that massive pile of paperwork, arranging that forklift, and needing to look for more clients, all suddenly disappears as you become equipped with a team that pushes you forward.
Something like this is simply so powerful, especially if you are in the place where you are trying to juggle all of these things yourself. Working with Saint allows you to remove all of that "extra work" and let you focus on what actually matters, whether that be more time with your family, or being on the tools.
Have a Free of Charge call with a business development manager today to get started.
4. Speak to your clients
Sometimes it’s as simple as speaking to your clients. Arrange a chat with some of your clients who you have performed work for, see what they think about the service / product months or years after it was provided.
Just a simple, short conversation has the ability to open your vision and see the impact of your business among the community.
5. Write out how you feel
While it might seem gimmicky, try writing out how you feel, you don't have to show this document to any but yourself, write out how you feel and what needs to change, if you don't feel motivated, try to find out why. By writing things out we can see things from a different perspective and it clears you head. Once you have done that, it should be pretty simple to identify the problems ahead of you.
6. Your work should be meaningful to yourself
Work takes up the majority of all of our lives, it’s important to our sanity that the work we are fulfilling day in and out is meaningful to us. This can be broken down into 3 sections:
- Purpose - Does the purpose of your work correlate with your purpose (life goals and values)
- Comprehension - Are you able to understand and make sense of the outcome of your efforts.
- Valued - How much value do you believe your work inputs into the community and creates for yourself.
If you can simply tick of each of these sections off, you will find your work to be meaningful, this is a key step to enjoying the journey...
A meaningful career is one where we feel an authentic connection between the work we do and a boarder life purpose beyond the self.
7. Enjoy the journey
Most of our lives we seem to live in auto-pilot, with our minds constantly battling upcoming deadlines and endless to do lists we often forget to acknowledge the achievements and be mindful in the moment.
While it is crucial to be forward thinking, for obvious reasons, it is also a human necessity to sometimes slow down and appreciate everything we have done and what we have surrounding us.
It is important to understand that being completely future focused sounds great as you are constantly working for this end goal, but once you reach it, you are often left with no sense of direction and therefore plan new goals without even acknowledging everything you have just worked so hard for. This turns out to be a reality to most of us and an endless spiral at the end.
While you may have come here to get motivated to get back on with some work, take a moment and think about everything that you have achieved. Sometimes our greatest motivations comes from ourselves.
“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” – Ernest Hemingway
Just get started
Sometimes we are all looking for motivation and it is often seen as the first step to starting anything, but the first step actually begins with discipline. Motivation is short lived and can only exist for so long, it is discipline which makes you get out of bed at 6 AM every morning. It is discipline that makes you hit the gym in the freezing cold.
A simple way of getting started is to have the discipline to just go! Use whatever tactics you want to get started, say “I’ll just do it for 5 minutes” and you will see the results. Making a start to a task is 90% of the work, you will find yourself breaking through that wall and getting through so many more tasks.
I hope some of the methods above helps you stay motivated with your work! If you are feeling overwhelmed, feel free to read:
My Construction Business Is Overwhelming - What Do I Do?
Frequently asked questions

The Construction Survival Guide
The only book you need to start up your construction business! The CSG becomes your new handbook offering everything that you need in order to create a successful construction business!
Claim Mine!Claim Mine!This article has been provided for information purposes only. You should consult your own professional advisors for advice directly relating to your business or before taking action in relation to any of the provided content.
PS. Whenever you are ready, here's how to grow your construction business...
1. Join our Facebook Group which built completely for businesses within the construction industry. Real people, real support. - Now also available on LinkedIn.
2. Keep up to date with Construction Insider Providing you with industry insight, tips & tricks and much more to make sure you are ahead of your competitors!
3. When you are ready, Become a Saint Global client, and we will provide you with the highest quality solutions to effectively scale your construction business. Book your meeting here!

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