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How to Measure Social Values | An Introduction to the TOM System
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How to Measure Social Values | An Introduction to the TOM System

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The TOM System stands for ‘Themes, Outcomes and Measures’ and aligns with the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It is the market-leading measurement framework for tracking and quantifying Social Value. It enables you to measure Social Value within your organisation and your supply chain.

Work - Opportunity for all 

The jobs you create directly impact your community. Give someone without a job an income and an opportunity

to develop their career. It will not only change their life, but it change the lives of those around them.

Economy - Inclusive growth

Build diverse and sustainable supply chains and eradicate unethical practices.

Community - Empowering communities

Track the impact you have on the people around you, from volunteering to donating to local causes.

Planet - Safeguarding and restoring our world

Measure the impact you have on the environment and track your journey to net zero.

Innovation - Promoting social innovation

There are plenty of innovative ways to create Social Value. It might not be an established path to follow, but if you

provide skills to your local community, or curb damage to the environment, you create Social Value.

The Social Value TOM System is the most established and trusted framework for measuring Social Value today:

  • A single measurement and reporting standard for consistency
  • Flexible for procurement, contract management and business measurement
  • Can be scaled to support business needs
  • Wide adoption supports benchmarking
  • Can be mapped to GRI and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
  • Powered by robust data sources including the ONS, Unit Cost Database and the Treasury Greenbook

Evaluating Social Value (The Proxy Values & Social Value £)

The  ‘good’ an organisation delivers can be calculated in financial terms (or SV£) using proxy values. Most importantly, the calculation reflects the benefit above what might happen without the activity. This is calculated, behind the scenes, using robust data sources such as the Office of National Statistics, Treasury Greenbook or Unit Cost Database.  

The Proxy Values require the valuation of “non-market goods and services” and the National TOMs approach aims to be consistent with the relevant techniques outlined in these guidelines. 

In addition to a financial metric, it is important to ‘tell the story’ of the Social Value through supporting narrative and images which bring the outcomes to life. 

Working with Saint

Saint Global is a leading company that recognises the importance of a comprehensive approach in the modern construction landscape. The company supports construction firms by guiding them through the incorporation of crucial social values such as environmental sustainability, ethical labour practices, and more. Saint Global is committed to assisting construction companies through solid initiatives such as training and apprenticeships, support for local businesses, and the promotion of volunteering endeavours.

This empowers construction firms to not only meet industry standards but to contribute to social well-being meaningfully. The Social Value TOM System emphasises measurable outcomes in alignment with the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals and serves as a robust tool for construction companies to monitor and assess their social impact.

The Social Value TOM System covers various themes crucial for societal progress, including inclusive employment opportunities, economic growth, community empowerment, environmental stewardship, and social innovation. Through strategic partnerships with Saint Global, construction companies can navigate the industry landscape with a focus on sustainability and socially conscious practices. This collaborative effort ensures that construction projects comply with ethical standards and contribute positively to communities and the planet.

In essence, Saint Global is not just a traditional construction marketing agency but also a motivation for positive change within the industry. By aligning with the company's expertise, construction firms can become pioneers in fostering a construction sector that prioritises social values and sustainable practices. This collaborative journey with Saint Global signifies a commitment to a construction future that not only meets present needs but also actively contributes to the well-being of societies and the preservation of our planet.

Contact us today to work with your own Social Value Advisor. 

Frequently asked questions

A Contractors Guide to: Social Values

Unlock the keys to socially responsible construction projects with the Social Values Guide based on Construction. Learn to engage communities, preserve culture, and promote sustainability for impactful, inclusive builds.

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How to Measure Social Values | An Introduction to the TOM System

Written by the team at:

Saint Global

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