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Importance of Customer Satisfaction
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Importance of Customer Satisfaction

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Customer satisfaction is at the heart of every business and works through with the aim of delivering an exceptional service that leaves the customer feeling valued and respected. Although providing excellent customer service may come out as an additional cost, it will surely show a return on investment in the future.

Great customer service will allow you to:

• Increase customer loyalty

• Increase job value

• Increase repeating business

• Generate a positive word of mouth

• Generate referrals

There are many reasons why you should value high customer satisfaction and should be held strongly throughout the values of your business, but you might be wondering how do you keep this high standard? You can do this by:

• Understanding your client’s needs and wants

•Treating everyone respectfully

• Undersell and overdeliver

• Keep your promises

• Handle complaints gracefully

• Go out of your way to help.

By putting these measures into place you can increase the overall lifetime value of your clients, maybe they will refer you, maybe they will ask for future work. You can work out the lifetime value of your clients with this simple calculator.

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Importance of Customer Satisfaction

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Saint Global

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