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It’s Not You, It’s Me: Breaking Up With Your Accountant
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It’s Not You, It’s Me: Breaking Up With Your Accountant

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It’s Not You, It’s Me: Breaking Up With Your Accountant

Every small business goes to an accountant to get help with their compliance. You share how frustrated they are with their current accountant with other businesses; they don't respond to your emails, but they don't respond to your calls, your tax bill seems to be a surprise to both of you every year and you start thinking surely this cannot be right?

The good news we can tell you now is that your accountant should be ticking all of the boxes.

But making that change is a hard thing to do, you might think it is a painful process or maybe you’ve been with your current accountant for years. We get that. It feels like ‘breaking up’ when you change accountants, it might have been the only constant in your business since you started. You might be afraid of confrontation or you don't want to give them the bad news that you’re leaving, this is human nature but sometimes it's necessary to move your business forward. 

Here are some tips on how to break up with your accountant in a professional and respectful way:

The Positives

It may be hard to put into words why you are leaving, all you can do is communicate why you are leaving and it can help to list f the positive ways the previous accountant has helped you over the years. It can help to start with the positives when delivering bad news.

What Was Missing From Their Service?

In the same email, it may be nice to say why you are leaving. What is making you join a new accountant? When people join Saint, the most common reasons are:

  • They are construction specialists, they understand the industry and can help us make the next steps are business needs to make
  • Getting set up with the latest systems and technology, not just for bookkeeping and accounting but for our construction business as a whole.
  • Different approaches in how they work, there is no bill for picking up the phone and talking to your accountant and knowing they have someone to support their business on a weekly basis not just once a year.

Give Notice

Provide the accountant with appropriate notice, so they have enough time to wrap up any ongoing projects and transfer your files to a new accountant. A smooth transition will only come when there is a clear cutoff point in services between the previous and new accountant.

Be Prepared For The Transition

Before ending the relationship, make sure you have all the necessary information and documents to ensure a smooth transition to a new accountant. Your new accountant will be in contact with your previous accountant to get the relevant information they need.

Prepare A Formal Letter

It may be helpful to give your previous accountant notice that your new accountant will be in touch to send a professional clearance letter and request the relevant documents to look after your business.

Be Professional

Remember to stay professional throughout the process and maintain a respectful and courteous tone.

Keep Communication Channels Open

You may need to communicate with the accountant during the transition period, so it is important to keep the communication channels open, but also to set clear expectations for the nature of the communication.

Breaking up with your accountant may be an uncomfortable process, but it's important to remember that it's a decision that's best for your business. By following these tips, you can ensure that the process is as smooth and professional as possible.

Often your new accountants can handle the breakup process in a respectful manner for you if this is something you are looking to avoid. Sometimes you just outgrow your current accountants and know you can be doing more with the right support around you.

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It’s Not You, It’s Me: Breaking Up With Your Accountant

Written by the team at:

Saint Accountants

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