How does Saint Coaching work?
"We support and provide coaching for the trade only. We identify and work through tasks, organisation issues, performance issues, everything about a business in the construction industry we cover."
What's the biggest problem that you see with clients?
“Well if I had to do it in a top 3 countdown:
No. 3 would be Decision Making:
I have often seen in your Saint Sunday you mention people are in a fog, on a spinning fairground ride and they can't get off or they feel like they are peddling but not going anywhere - well this can all be down to processing which makes it hard to make decisions. We first look at two approaches, one of which is called a low-level concrete block (real name!) As opposed to high-level thinking and if it's not that we then look at cycling habits, Humans think in a 3 cycle pattern - positive - negative - analytical. We cannot stop the cycle so we teach our clients to slow down the process and the fog clears - They were spinning so quickly through the cycle they started to forget things and start to burn out. It’s a “Are you leading the company or is the company leading you at the moment”.
No. 2 would be Time Management:
This is bringing consistency to people's lives and performance. Days of being overwhelmed and ruined turn into a relief of freedom and WOW the difference it makes… This is probably the most fun for the client as they are re-tuned into a high-performance machine all of their own doing so the self-confidence just soars.
No. 1 would be Delegation:
Delegation, but not like you think, it’s not that they do not delegate, it's actually they delegate badly with poor ownership of tasks, which means they cannot switch off and then end up micro-manage people, just adding more stress.
Who are your biggest Clients?
“Other Coaches! Yes mad as it sounds but that's where most of our work comes from, the large coaching houses. As Saint are Trade only coaches we have a bit more of a chance when something needs laying out and automating so they sub the work to us.”
How are Saint coaches different?
“We are different because we know it's so hard for people to open up and even more so within the trade, we get that.
More and more people in the sector are now getting help from us to pull ahead.
We have the first discovery call with them and they are all pumped then doubt kicks in and they can shy away again. This happens all the time within coaching. You can even say the cycle effect above is apparent here. After we speak or connect again they are fine. It was just a barrier they had to pass, a test for success if you like, or they could just be tired and need that extra push. All our Saint clients already get this kind of interaction when they talk to their business development manager every quarter so it's a light version in a way.
We also deal with people who have become very short and blunt from being on the tools and running a company, we call it coming in hot, and after a while they calm and step forward and get the old laugh back but it's difficult to untangle them but we do and is another reason we get work subbed to us as the other coaches do not like this stage.
A big thing we connect with is we know the client has usually tried to use a physical-based mindset to be a success like they do when they are running on fumes when they need to get a job finished. The brain remembers this. But this is the wrong tool. You cannot “grunt” your way to success. Hard work with the wrong tactic just leads you to growing the company and getting blown to bits and miserable, you feel you just cannot get to the next level. We work smarter, not harder. It works and you get to the next level.
£££ - Some coaches do not want you to get better; they just want you to keep coming back.
Yes, this can be true - they can come across as if they do not want you to get better and look for other problem areas in your life for example.
We made a decision at the start to not do this. We are the rapid version. Get you looked at, patched up and back on the road much like a pit stop at F1. We just do it a bit differently and use the data from the company for example which we both tap into through the data streams and see how you are going in real-time. If you are not performing on the track we pull you back in for a chat but the idea is to keep you in the race.
We are also much less expensive than the likes of the big players, eg. Action Coach which comes in at 12k plus for a basic package. They try to ring you once a week and it's all Hi Buddy and a chat about what they can do etc whereas we are much more to the point and focus on showing you just what you need to get you to the next stage not showing you what you don't know or don't need at that time.
Does the measuring work?
“There is a saying you cannot fix something if you cannot measure it. To put it into our terms, if you have a problem in your company, it could be more time or profit, we try to measure that. Say it was a car not running well, we run the car then plug in a diagnostic, we then measure that baseline constantly, we then implement processes into your business to correct it which you can see on a screen live as they kick in and once the correction or new habit or process is in place we keep measuring to get a constant data feed that shows how we are performing.
No more guessing you see and this alone removes a lot of the old overthinking habits, you check, you can see the stats. Imagine if you had to go on site but the only tool you could not use was a tape measure and you and your team were only allowed to guess - You can see it just gets messy.
Do you know and measure your business numbers or are you just guessing?”
Why do people need coaches?
“For most builders to say in the cafe, “Oh I am off to see my coach after this”, The leg-pulling would start about cushioned rooms and pointing at teddies. I even change the details on the invoice from coaching to business strategy for clients and we understand that because that is the trade industry.
Well, Saint is here to change all that, big successful businesses embrace coaching and accept it as one of the major returns on investments, meaning it pays for itself, they make that year to bring in more profits through better communication, sales or workflow.
The ego also stops people from getting coaches as well. Think of a football club with a famous manager. Is he as quick or as good on the ball as the players, no but he is the coach, he can see the balance of play, the speed, rally them when under pressure and most of all be the leading call for a devastating attack.
If you think of a boxer, the coach is usually an old, small guy like Mikey from the Rocky films, he would not last a moment in the ring, but he keeps his man on point when to step it up and have a game plan. Would the boxer or football team be okay without the coach? The coach is not a threat; they are on your team.
To step up you need a coach and skills alone will not get you there alone, it’s the prep, feedback and the mindset. It’s being in it to win it, not just going through the motions that you maybe are feeling now. Every professional has a coach and an elite businessman. The first advice they give is to get one.”
Do we see a difference between those who are with us for coaching and those who are not?
Yes. It’s something easy to pick up on; the more experienced people just seem to get the concept and participate and there is action whereas those with no coaching have no call coming next month and so they just plod and a lot softer in the game plan.
We still work with these clients and support them. We understand It does take a brave moment to change and commit but like ships are safe in a harbour that's not what the ships are built for, a ship wants to sail. We offer the program over 12 months as this keeps you developing at your pace, keeps you motivated and has much better results than one quick conversation. When we start we list what you feel needs to change and this can sometimes be 10 items. Well, we only tackle 3 at a time so the ripples are easier and that could take 2 sessions and then we go again and as you start to correct the areas, usually the client identifies another task to add which they now are more confident of tackling.
If you know you have a call with us in 2 weeks, through motivation and accountability you will want to keep hitting them targets so you get from where you are, to where you want to be as quickly as possible. Remember this is all used to reduce your liability against your corporation tax so it's fully tax-deductible.
✅ How does it work and most importantly how much?
This is once a month and we take 30 mins to prep before we call you as we have allowed a little bit of extra time for a call or emails during the month with updates or shifts. If you are with us for other services we can get a brief from say Media or Accounts before we engage with you to get a full picture.
We then have a full hour of 1-2-1 coaching. In the following 30 mins we then follow up with an action plan of your service with us to see if where you may need to change tack and the identified areas to target.
This is based on a 12 month package at £350.00 plus VAT per month.
This is the main package, used by the coaching houses and our most successful clients. This would suit if you have multiple areas that need to be impacted and give yourself the best chance of success. This is also ideal for a new start-up but we use this for those who are doing well but now realise the benefits of stopping once a month to evaluate. How often are you stopping and evaluating your business at the moment?
Option 2 - Consultancy
If you have a project or need a full-scale sweep of the business please contact us for further details regarding this. POA
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