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Modern Business Banking - Starling Bank
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Modern Business Banking - Starling Bank

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Beautifully Simple Business Banking

Who is Starling Bank?

Starling is the UK’s first mobile bank offering super-fast setup, beautifully simple money management and 24/7 support, all with no monthly fees. From Small consruction businesses with big ambitions to freelancers figuring out tax returns, Starling’s award winning bank account is designed to make your life easier.

Why Saint Work With Starling Bank

Over the years we have seen the difficulty with working with some banks, the lack of integrations, over complicated set up or even signing in takes longer than it should. With Starling it is a fresh approach to the bank industry with speed setups, integration with your bookkeeping software and are consistently upgrading. Starling complements our 100% virtual approach meaning we can work with clients even further!

Why Starling work with Saint Financial Group

Saint Financial Group are the UK’s Number One Construction Support Company. Our approach is to provide an all in one solution to establish stability and growth for your construction firm with Saint by your side. You have just found the complete solution to your business success. We have identified every service that the construction industry needs in order to succeed and brought it together to form an all in one solution to drive success within your business!

Saint is made up of 5 core companies:
- Saint Accountants
- Saint Business Development
- Saint Taxation
- Saint Global
- Saint Virtual Assistants

Our services are designed to work together to provide the ultimate experience for your business. We are also completely cloud-based, which means you will have access to all your information no matter if you are at home, at the office or onsite.

Saint are successful for making construction companies successful.

Key Features

  • No Monthly Setup Fees
  • Speedy Setup - Apply in minutes, with no three week waits
  • Integrate with Xero and Quickbooks
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Stay In The Know - With real time payment alerts and transaction insights
  • Easy Deposits - Deposit money at over 11,500 Post Office branches*
  • FSCS Protection - Fully registered bank and the FSCS protects any money you keep with us to £85,000 for eligible customers**

Best British Bank

*  Deposits of up to £1000: £3. Deposits of £1000 and above: 0.3% of the amount deposited. If you withdraw cash using the Post Office Counter Service, we will charge you £0.50 per withdrawal.

** The small business threshold for FSCS is an annual turnover of less than £1m. FSCS does not apply to all business types, please check the FSCS website for eligibility.

Who’s Eligible For A Starling Business Bank Account?

  • You’re the owner of a limited company and you’re the only person with significant control PSC) over it
  • You’re part of a limited company with multiple owners. With our multi-PSC account, you and your fellow PSCs will each get a Mastercard debit card and access to a beautifully simple mobile bank account. For more information, read Starling’s blog post.
  • You’re self-employed. Our sole trade account is available exclusively to those who already have a Starling Bank personal account.

Entities engaged in, or linked in any way to, certain activities may not be able to open or have a business bank account with Starling. Visit our Legal Documentation page at and select Business Current Account Terms for more information.

Get Started

It takes just a few minutes, direct from your mobile. No paperwork or branch visits required.

  • Use our link to get started
  • Download the app from Google Play Store or the App Store.
  • Enter your personal details
  • Verify who you are by uploading your identification documents and sending us a short video
  • We’ll carry out some quick checks at UK Credit Reference Agency
  • Provide a few details about your business, such as day to day activities and online presence 
  • We will then look to approve your application as soon as possible so you can start making the most of all the features to help you manage your business finances better

Ready To Switch To Starling?

With the Current Account Switch Service (CASS), you* can make Starling your main business bank account in just seven working days. It’s worth noting that the CASS service is currently only available to Starling business customers with companies that have one person of significant control. To find out more, click here.


*To find out whether your bank is part of CASS, click here.

Starling + Xero

Frequently asked questions

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This article has been provided for information purposes only. You should consult your own professional advisors for advice directly relating to your business or before taking action in relation to any of the provided content.

PS. Whenever you are ready, here's how to grow your construction business...

1. Join our Facebook Group which built completely for businesses within the construction industry. Real people, real support. - Now also available on LinkedIn.

2. Keep up to date with Construction Insider Providing you with industry insight, tips & tricks and much more to make sure you are ahead of your competitors!

3. When you are ready, Become a Saint Global client, and we will provide you with the highest quality solutions to effectively scale your construction business. Book your meeting here!

Modern Business Banking - Starling Bank

Written by the team at:

Saint Legal, Commercial & Partners

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