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The Truth About Apprentices in Construction:  Debunking Myths
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The Truth About Apprentices in Construction: Debunking Myths

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Apprenticeships are a great way to start a career in the construction industry. They offer hands-on training and can lead to a long and successful career. The power of the next generation getting real knowledge and experience under their belt is truly fantastic for the construction sector. However, there are some myths about apprenticeships that need to be debunked. In this Construction Insider article, we will be discussing the truth about apprenticeships in the construction industry!

Myth #1: I am too old to become an apprentice!

Apprenticeships are not just for young people: Apprenticeships are an opportunity for anyone to gain a recognised qualification and develop their skills, knowledge and behaviours. Apprenticeship programmes can be designed around individuals' needs and aspirations, so there isn't an age limit! Apprentices can work anywhere from 16-75 years old as long as they have the right to live in England. Apprenticeships give you the real experience of your chosen career path while learning on the job, which is something that cannot be obtained through studying alone!

You don't need prior construction knowledge: Apprentices do not require any previous experience or qualifications within a specific trade before starting at Walsall College. All apprentices receive hands-on training with an experienced workforce behind them in order to gain the skills needed for their chosen career path. Apprenticeship programmes include on-the-job work experience and local college learning, so you can learn from industry experts who have been in your position before!

Myth #2 - Apprenticeships don't lead to permanent jobs App

Apprenticeships give you the opportunity to work in a real construction environment, which means that there is a high chance of securing a permanent position within your company once your apprenticeship has finished! Apprentices are able to develop their skills and knowledge through on-the-job training whilst gaining hands-on experience by working alongside experienced tradespeople. Apprentices can also study towards qualifications at local colleges as part of an Apprenticeship programme, meaning they will have all the necessary training needed for getting started in their chosen career path after completion!

Myth #3 - Apprentices don't get paid

An apprentice earns money while learning. Apprentices earn £170 per week or more than this if you're aged 25+ (based on the National Minimum Wage rates). Apprenticeship programmes offer a wage that is above the minimum wage and apprentices are usually given the same benefits as other employees. Apprentices can also be promoted to higher roles once they have completed their apprenticeship, meaning that there are plenty of opportunities for career progression!

Myth #4 - Apprenticeships within construction are confusing

Luckily for the apprentice, most of the work is completely handled by the employer, they have the job to complete and handle the majority of the paperwork, reach out to training providers and create a contract of employment.  Apprenticeships within the construction industry are not confusing at all! Apprentices will receive full training from their employer as well as local college learning, meaning that they have all of the knowledge and experience needed for the setup of a successful career.

Myth #05 - Apprenticeships only last one-year

Apprenticeship programmes can last between 12 months and four years, depending on the level of apprenticeship and the occupation. Apprenticeships are flexible and can be tailored around the individual's needs and aspirations, meaning that there is plenty of opportunity for career progression!

The truth about apprenticeships in the construction industry is that they are a fantastic way to gain recognised qualifications, develop skills and knowledge, and work within a real construction environment. Apprenticeship programmes offer a wage that is above the minimum wage, with opportunities for career progression once completed.

The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB)

CITB is a fantastic organisation and resource which works within the industry to encourage training, which helps build a safe, professional and fully qualified workforce with the target of working with the industry ensuring training standards and qualifications are right for its need, stiving to provide employers with the correct training for candidates.

How is Saint Ambassador helping apprentices within the construction industry?

Saint Ambassador is a non-profit foundation built to support young talent within the construction industry. Whether people are looking to get on-site or are looking for full-time education we are more than happy to have a chat!

We are able to function by the support and caring dedication of our Ambassadors who are a collection of industry leaders, pioneers and inspirational leaders who we are within the industry and are committed to building a brighter future for the construction industry.

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The Truth About Apprentices in Construction:  Debunking Myths

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