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How Google Workspace can change your construction business!
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How Google Workspace can change your construction business!

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What is Google Workspace?

Google Workspace is a collection of cloud-based tools made for businesses produced by Google. They are very common product and there is a high chance you are familiar with a lot of them: Google Drive, Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Hangouts and many many more. Google Workspace offers a full collection applications which you can apply to your business to increase productivity and security. Allowing you to save time and get back to doing what your construction business was meant for.

What can Google Workspace do for you?

Google suite in completely cloud-based, meaning you can access your documents, important information, your business from wherever you are. Google Workspace contains a series of productivity enhancing applications which allows business performance to exceed. Google Workspace is perfect for a construction business, modernising and ticking off all the boxes your business needs to start up correctly.

1. Your Business needs Google Workspace

When starting a business, every business owners to entrepreneur needs a branded email. A business branded email adds legitimacy and professionalism to a business's look!

For example, which of the below emails would you trust more?




The difference between the two emails is that the first one looks unprofessional and a small business whereas the second shows a professional and innovative business giving confidence to the client. Setting up a branded email with Google Workspace is simple, and your clients will instantly see the value in having branded Gmail Domains as opposed to a personal email for business use.

We are a business ourselves, believe it or not... we offer these products as we know how beneficial they actually are. They have been tested, and implemented into our own businesses and then tested again. We have identified what works and what works best.

G Suite Business Email

2. Cloud integration

The internet is HUGE, tonnes of sales, tonnes of traffic. The time is here where cloud based services are needed. What makes this so beneficial is that all of those huge operational costs have been minimised. Google Workspace offers every business one step into the future, becoming modern, innovative, allowing for new capacity of workflow to be met, it's time to get things done! The google cloud is reliable, we have personally been using Google Workspace for years now, I have never personally seen the Cloud services down, however, Google themselves guarantee for a 99.99% uptime, so you never have to worry about your email servers, documents, drive being offline. Cloud integration enables local businesses to run their business of any device, let it be laptop to phone. This is why the service is so hugely desirable.

3. Increased productivity, modern and innovative.

Since the beginning of time, workplaces have always sought new ways to drive increased productivity and spark innovation amount their seams. Google Workspace is a powerful enabler of growth in both of these areas.

You receive multiple applications within your Google Workspace Account:

1. Gmail - a modern mailing platform allowing you to keep on top of your emails plus with 100's of powerful integrations.
2. Google Drive - A secure vault where you can store your companies documents, policies, resources etc all in one place.
3. Google Docs, Sheets and Slides - Similar to Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint but Google's version all included within the price!
4. Google Forms - An easy way to collect information through Google Form creator.
5. Google Sites - Google offer a simplistic web builder so anyone can get their business on the web.
6. Google Calendar - Built into Gmail, you receive an advanced calendar feature so you know exactly what is happening day to day with reminders.
7. Google Chat - Speak to your employees through Google Chat so your team stays in the loop!

As you can see Google Workspace is a complete solution for your construction business and even if you do not use all the features available, the price is amazing for the value you receive!

4. Google Workspace Suite pricing

Google has a very simplistic pricing structure, consisting of three tiers, unlike other popular competitors with their 20-tier systems. Even better Google Workspace offers more (a lot more) in comparison to competitors. Get in touch for our discounted pricing here.

5. You and The Big G

We love a good brand, and what brand is a better brand the Google themselves, the huge worldwide organisation which dominates the market. Google gives you instant verification and legitimacy in the eyes of your clients.

6. Customer Service and support

Google customer service is beyond anything i have every experienced, they really show to care on a (sometimes weird) personal level, and i probably annoyed the hell out of them when setting up Google Workspace for Saint with question after question everyday to find all this information out. Google Workspace has been made in a very simplistic way, but if you do find yourself stuck, they offer quick responsive customer service and support. If not, feel free to come to us with your questions and we'll be glad to help.

7. Google Workspace is Sticky

When it comes to using Google Workspace, it's hard to get out of it. The simplistic approach along with the capacity of what you can actually do makes it hard not to stay with Google Workspace.

Why choose Saint?

Aint Google Workspace free?

Well, Google Workspace operates on a freemium basis. The service is offered for personal use that allow access to many great product which Google Workspace comprised of, this is called Google Apps. However as you begin to grow in your business there a limitations which are going to be met, running out of storage, need for expansion, need for documentation sharing etc. This is where Google Workspace comes into place.

Well why would I not just buy from google and skip Saint?

I also questioned this, the answer is that google partners with businesses like us in order to reach new audiences which they might have missed and therefore develop a greater market access. For such a service they provide Google Workspace at a discounted rate, which we pass on to you.

This shows the comparison between googles pricing and ours, we are shown to save you an close to an average of 10% of the cost per year, allowing you to spend your money elsewhere.

Google Workspace Products and Services

Google groups their products and services into four primary functions for business:


The apps included within the connect function include Gmail, Google Calendar, Google plus, and Google Hangouts. Theses apps allows business to stay in touch, and collaborate in workflow.


These apps allow for creation of projects all directly through your browser, not having to waste time setting up programs on every computer. Google Workspace have incorporated the importance of teamwork and collaboration. No more for the days of having to email back and forth documents, getting lost in multiple versions and alterations which have and have not been made. With Google Workspace set of apps allows for a modern solution to the past horrors. Google Workspace product lineup consists of: Docs, Sheets, Forms, Slides, Sites, App Maker, Keep and Jamboard, businesses can easily collaborate and innovate to create documents, presentations and much more as well as the additional benefit of it being so much faster!


Access consists of two apps, Google Drive and Google Cloud Search. Google Drive allows a method of cloud base storage for you business (an advantage of this is being if information was stored on a physical system, it would be at risk of theft, loss or damages. By having a cloud based storage system, theses risks are eliminated). The use of Google drive allows you to run your business smoothly from your laptop, your phone or tablet, whenever and wherever. The days of the need for a stupidly expensive, robust computer system is coming to an end due to the capacity and capability of Google Suite.

Google Cloud Search is an intelligent search function that allows you to search through your entire Google Workspace database to locate anything of your needs. (now that I think about it, I wonder where i have but that picture of my dog from 2006...) Google Cloud Search allows you to search into the depth of your files, under all those images and documents. I want to welcome this ability into the new era.


Control holds the four apps; Google Admin, Vault and Work Insights. Theses apps allow you the ability of being able to manage users, manage devices, secure and archive content, and manage and track content with ease.


Google Workspace has been changing businesses over the years, if you also want to take a step forward with yours get in contact with us here, we would love to hear from you!

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How Google Workspace can change your construction business!

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Saint Global

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