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What Does The Saint BDM Do?
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What Does The Saint BDM Do?

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The role of a Business Development Manager (BDM) has become increasingly pivotal. As companies strive to expand their market presence and drive growth, BDMs serve as a powerful tool in identifying new business opportunities, fostering relationships, and ensuring sustainable profitability. This Saint Sunday dives into the responsibilities of a BDM and how Saint are implementing BDMs into construction businesses across the UK.

🚧 So what does a BDM actually Do?

  • Saves you time and money.
  • Updates your business process and systems.
  • Works alongside just you or your team.
  • Free up your or your staff's time.
  • Proactive - Gets the sales in.

The Saint BDM scored 78% on a recent recruitment benchmark test of the standard UK Business Development Manager role. Think of your BDM as living inside your Sealed System, which you have developed in your Business Development Strategy...

From working alongside your BiD team to identify the right opportunities, to personally generating Intelligent Reports for you to run your eyes over before they proceed on an agreed workflow of making contact. They then hand-hold the potential client through your Saint sealed system, nurture stage and then balance that out onto the Company CRM.

📈  Reporting

They also are data aware - they prepare and update real data lines for your Quarterly Review Workshop with your Marketing Account Manager. The BDM’s carry and report on your Marketing line to ensure completion of tasks and this data reporting grows as you become more successful...

This is where Saint excel as we have broken through that barrier between the "Media Agency World" and the Construction World.

🤔 What does the Saint BDM not do?

We drew a line and the Saint BDM's sit firmly behind the sale closers, our job is to drive information, build relationships and get deals to the tipping point.

The 78% was also remarkably on point as to where we envisaged our BDM service would have brought the client in the project sales pipeline, leaving the last part or push to be agreed by the Directors for example. Things like Zoom calls or more online purchases inflicted from lockdowns have also now brought ways of operating which were never really palatable before but are now standard.

We can have Architect teams from all around the country online in a Teams or Zoom call discussing an up and coming project whereas before it would have been unprofessional not to attend in person - in fact if they now asked to attend it would seem unviable for time and cost.

So the last 22% was more of the old duties of a Rep going out dropping off a brochure like the old days, pre-site meetings as above or just that last personal touch.

❌ What does Saint not do?

  1. We do not attend site, but can set up events or meetings.
  2. We do not offer pre-site or technical on-site support/estimating but do help you build and have the right documentation or information on hand for the client to review, again making sure the client is in the right place in the pipeline and satisfied.
  3. We do not complete the final sale - We drive relationships to reach "Director Handshake". We identify opportunities, persons of interest and build carefully thought out relationships, when we are ready for sale, we pass the contact over to you to close the pre-qualified deal.

👋 Simplify Recruitment

You can now bring a different piece to the board than fall into the old recruitment process.

The Saint BDM holding option allows you to hire people with less data-driven result skill sets who may be perfect out on the site or talking to specifiers, people buy from people.

We work with your existing staff and help support them- this is often all that is needed, we just need to identify the areas they are best at ie site visits- closing deals with clients building a better team than trying to find and have that one star sales player that could leave.

We show the areas we are stronger in not to drive fear into your existing team or the Director in the sales role, it is more to show that a hybrid partnership with Saint can take the ever-growing complex media day-to-day pressure off your on-site team whom we consider as real-valued company assets, who also truly know the trade your in or product you sell, making a refreshed and powerful combination.

🔒Regain Control

As Business Advisors we look to move the Marketing data and decisions back into the Director's control so your company then becomes stable, more company driven not employee-dependent.

We look to put the controls and data into your hands so you can drive and then steer and map your live Marketing Strategy much like a Company SatNav.

This means important employees can come and go and the company does not miss a beat, keeping its Marketing method consistent rather than repeated tactic burn as people come and go with new ideas and ways of working, being able to swap out the coach, not the whole team mentality for the good of the company.

A Saint BDM has no internal company political or relationship ties which is a great unlocker of company departments and reports directly to you.

📊 Cost-Effective Budgeting

The savings and commitments that make Saint an immediate option are massive.

The BDM being much like a pay-as-you-go model means they only are paid as they are operable - much like a PIR light. So staff downtime is not an issue anymore.

A recent Saint survey has shown that this model has outstanding results and a real eye-opener for the client when we found on one project we covered the same work in 8 hours after an initial set-up that took in-house staff 40 hours delivering brutal efficiency and proof that sometimes you need to take a step back and consider a partner like Saint who are offering a hybrid partner system for the digital age.

Both Saint and your BDM team are paid to put the bait on the hook and will be ready to strike. With the Saint BDM methodology, you are not paying for that person to wait around, freeing that person to pick up other duties.

Does this Saint BDM business model also bring real budget savings as well as time which has been covered above?

During the Recruitment BDM Benchmark test, we had to match job descriptions. The recruitment team also showed us the benefits that Companies were bending over to give out. Imagine a BDM covering 78% of the role.

Anything invested on a Saint Service is built into your business infrastructure in the most cost-efficient manner.

🤑 What to do with these savings?

Take the values of the benefits you would have given out every year as a bonus for making a great commercial decision!

Re-invest - the new way is a digital world so this can be used to secure and maintain your position and stay ahead of the competition.

Grow your team further - Employ an extra team member with the benefits from the savings above.

Talk to us today about bringing a calmer approach to your company's success.

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What Does The Saint BDM Do?

Written by the team at:

Saint Global

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